May 14, 2015

On Moving: And Finding Betty Moodie, My Esteemed Editor at GLAMOUR

Another fab photo surfaces in the move! Here is my editor at Glamour magazine ... the inimitable Betty Moodie. She was one of the most innately fashionable people I have ever known and her dictum continues to inspire me. "A good eye should be able to spot 'fashion finds' and put together a great outfit for $10."

Betty had incredible style. She wore bangle bracelets up to her elbow and could slap anything together and look fantastic. Ms. Moodie had an elegant way of walking the halls of Conde Nast, too. Small steps. "You don't want to walk like a horse."

I am forever grateful to Betty for giving me my first job in NYC. Along with a million other things I learned from her, She taught me how to answer the phone. (Low voice, not chirpy. What did I know? I was right out college in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts.)

Oh, and yes, that's Mitch Miller (her beau).

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