July 15, 2024

"My Stroke in the Fast Lane" redesign in now available!!

On the first pages of My Stroke in the Fast Lane: A Journey to Recovery, it reads:

This book is dedicated to my mother,
who gave me life, not once, but twice.

Imagine what it was like for her that Easter morning. I (on the left) was driving 65 MPH on a three-lane major highway when I had the stroke. When I didn't respond to a question my mother (right) posed about my son's upcoming wedding on Martha's Vineyard, she saw that something was very wrong. At first, she panicked, then did the unthinkable: She leaned over, veered hard to the right, and crashed us into a guardrail on the side of the highway. I would absolutely, bar none, not be here telling my story if it hadn't been for Mom.

This newly designed cover reveals us in the going-out-of-control moment. The car is slightly askew, and my mother is crazed. She was about to give me a second life.

Gratitude to Lisa, Amanda, and Wanda for contributing to the "Praise" page:

The back cover is different, too:

And these snappy new bookmarks!! 


My Stroke in the Fast Lane: A Journey to Recovery

is available at your favorite local bookstore, 

on Amazon (in Kindle or paperback)

or BookShop.org



July 8, 2024

Hudson Valley Writers Center Testimonial for Susan Hodara, a teacher extraordinaire

 I was asked to write a testimonial for the Hudson Valley Writers Center for grants, and their website to encourage new students to study with them. Of course, I thought of Susan:

"Susan Hodara is a caring, encouraging, and patient teacher. She was at the very beginning of my stroke journey. I remember talking to her after class one day and being embarrassed to read aloud because of my speech. I felt awkward and self-conscious, revealing my struggles, symptoms, pain, and frustration to the class. Her kind and ongoing mentorship gave me the confidence to pursue the long road that resulted in my book, My Stroke in the Fast Lane: A Journey to RecoveryI am ever grateful to HVWC for making this connection to Susan, a truly extraordinary teacher."


June 21, 2024

Lifting 12.5 lbs!!!

My trainer, AJ, was proud, too

To many, it might sound like nothing, but for me, 12.5 lbs was huge. 

I can hardly express how proud I was that my body could lift that number on the dumbbells. (Actually, each was 12.5, so essentially, I was lifting 25 lbs. Get outta here!!!) 

It's important for stroke survivors to have regular workouts. Otherwise, a stiffness that hinders everything, including the mind, begins to settle in.

Afterwards I sat in the car and nearly cried. For a brief moment, I had the clarity to consider what I've accomplished since having the stroke. There are too many to list, but my book, My Stroke in the Fast Lane: A Journey to Recovery is one of them. Now volunteering at the Phelps Hospital Caregiver Center I am able to impart a bit of optimism to stroke patients and their families. 

My mantra is, "You can do it!" Today, lifting 25 lbs was something I am proud my body can do.


June 13, 2024

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