What’s happening in the world — between the war, the shootings, women’s rights, climate change, to name a few — is extremely depressing. May I humbly share my good news?
Last week I had a bounty of extraordinary celebrations.

First: My son and daughter-in-law gave birth to a little boy named Bowie Llewyn Brodnick. Look at the intent of David’s gaze towards his new son. For a parent, it’s a joy to hear the fathomless love David is expressing… and it’s just the beginning. “Longue vie à Bowie Llewyn!” (“Long life to Bowie Llewyn!”) wrote one of my good friends in France.

Second (and a few days later): My daughter graduated from medical school. She’s Class of 2020, but the school held off the ceremony until 2022 due to the pandemic. The delay between graduation and real life put Dr. ACB well on her way to fulfilling a three-year residency in a major hospital emergency department. [We even had to cut the graduation celebration short because The Good Doctor had a 4:00 a.m. sign-in in the hospital’s Level I Trauma Center.)
These personal events were a mini-distraction from what was happening in the world. As a stroke survivor especially — one who had to relearn how to walk, talk, swallow, and tie my shoes — you can be sure that I EMBRACE EVERY SECOND of these milestone moments.
And now, back to the news.
SOOOO happy for you and the family with all this wonderful news (nachas). CONGRATULATIONS! Thanks for the break from the world news....
Thanks, Zio, in sharing the journey.
Love you, darling.
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