February 23, 2014

Need a Lift? A Look at Bosoms Through the Ages

Are you still feeling a little blues-y from winter? Especially with a forecast for more snow next week?

Check out my WILTON MAGAZINE story, "Under the Wire: An Uplifting Look at Brassieres."
Because, let's face it: bosoms have been enticing men ever since Eve first tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden. But it wasn't until the ancient Greeks came along in about 2500 B.C. that "the girls" finally got the recognition they deserved. Greek men worshipped the female form and Grecian ladies played up their assets by wearing bras and displaying their breasts in ways no toga could.

Be sure to take a peek at the end of the article for results to the incredibly scientific survey I conducted. (Click here.) 

You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll immediately want to wear a bustier! (... or at least be hell-bent on figuring out which one of your friends is wearing one under their business jacket.) 

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