February 5, 2016

The Happy Birthday Girl ... What a Great Day!

On my February 3rd birthday, several people asked, "Is this a big birthday?" Honestly, every birthday is big. And special. We have all lost dear friends who didn't make it to this point and for them I embrace life even more.

Here are a few photos of this Aquarian's birthday celebration:

It was a black velvet coat and black velvet dress-night for birthday dinner at The Castle, that huge ... well... castle perched high on the hill. It has a magnificent view of the Hudson River and the Palisades afar. 

Here is Husband about to break into a rousing round of "Happy Birthday" to me.
 Although I felt special, there were three (count three!) other February 3 birthday revelers
in the Castle dining room. (I'm starting to see a "3" trend going on, aren't you?)
 Awww ... so sweet.
 The third birthday cake of the day. (Thank you, friends and colleagues, for all the love!)
And BTW ... there's that number 3, again. (Numerology anyone?)
Let her eat cake!

What are some personal objectives for this magical New Year?

1.   Don't worry about the small stuff. I know, you've heard that one before, but it really takes daily, almost moment-to-moment effort, not to succumb.
2.   Sing louder (even if I don't know all the words.)
3.   Laugh more often. On occasion, seek hilarity.
4.   Find my eyeglasses. (I know they're in the house somewhere.)
5.   Do more for others.
6.   When the progeny call, STOP everything to listen. Really listen.
7.   Make a photo book of my trip to Hawaii last year.
8.   Learn to play "Snowflakes Are Dancing" by Debussy.
9.   Stop picking my cuticles.
10.  Watch more closely when I do the wash and not throw red napkins into the white load.

Thank you, everyone, for sending over 150 birthday wishes from near and far. It truly made my happy birthday all the  more special. I really mean it. (Not kidding.)

xoBonni Brodnick Birthdaygirl

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